02 October 2011

“Destiny” leans beyond Calculation!


        That’s the popular believe! Whenever human being fails in their estimates... An order of things being conceived as determining the future of an individual’s…

        It is also calculable & changeable, Destiny is actually the aspect of which depends upon the product of one’s Genes and dictated by its properties substantially. The other two important aspect of destiny is Environment by economical & social conditions, and finally the self generated scripts, subconsciously chooses by the age up to   6/7 years… These three factors combine and try to live it out for establishment of a person’s Destiny! That is, certain measure and shape, dividing and judging… Am I correct with respect to disclosed information’s?

        Anyway, genuinely one cannot manipulate his self genes mutations, do agree that the social and economical condition rests upon several factors and consequences, an individual beyond initial years can’t separate himself from self generated scripts either…

Coincidence of willpower & destiny
        Therefore, we become synonymous with the concept believe to consider what happens is Destiny…

        Now, I do have the opinion that with trained Willpower, as fundamental faculty centered in the mind helps to achieve anything…. Thus it’s likely; the focused ‘Willpower’ can break the chain of “Destiny”… through the reroute of other two aspects of destiny. But, always appreciate the intimate relationship between DEStiny and WILLpower. A true combination of coincidence & fate…

        Both co- exists comfortably….and without sufficient ‘Willpower’ it is unlikely that a person will achieve their true ‘Destiny’. The willpower develops by increase the level of difficulties gradually… (Follow: the post below)

        The Willpower is the ability to control and determine one’s actions. It’s the inner firmness to make decision, take resolution and action, handle & execute any aim or task, regardless of inner resistance or difficulties.
        If you keep faith on the given conception of Destiny & Willpower..             

       Then ‘Willpower’ is the inner firmness, decisiveness, determination, resolution, persistence & the power of pushing towards any Goal, with the help of Ethereal Soul, Infinite Soul, and Consciousness of potentials & Corporal Soul...                                  

        Naturally, with ‘Power of Concentration’ & ‘Willpower’ one becomes capable to break the absolute Destiny……There are numerous examples…needless to mention!

        It is through ‘Willpower’ we can break the chain to understand…
Better know nothing…than half know many thing”-Friedrich Nietzsche,
Another…” A drop of practice is better than an ocean of theories, advices & good resolutions”-The Mother

        Pray for “True Destiny” through developed “Willpower”…

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