02 September 2011

Evaluation! Not just the academic memory content.

          Everyone en-rooted through the Evaluation process from childhood days onwards academic carrier quite prominently. Even, might have confronted professionally, at least those who are employed…

          But we are not aware of its vital role in progress and development of individuals. Evaluation is not an occasional thing; it should be continuous, non formal and sometimes non obvious evaluation.
          If you see, a report card of a student for a period of say 10 years, can we  able to give his real evaluation?

          Interestingly, not at all, because from basic levels different dimension of change in evaluation being overlooked…

          If we know that my contribution has no value in evaluation, we will not give due importance and neglect it. That’s a psychological phenomenon. Again, if I know that creativity does not matter in evaluation I will not care for it. If my behavior is not important, what does it matter! As long as I know I will perform well in the exams- who care?

          But if one knows that his behavior is going to add points or marks, then it can make a difference. From school level evaluation process needs review to change…
          Which should includes academic behavior, ability to persist making an effort, power of concentration, appearance and everything which we consider important for ultimate progress of life. Besides, for different age groups there need to emphasize, different facets of personality and behavior.

          We do not see any report card showing status of academic marks is equal to behavior in priority. If we can bring it, can see a tremendous change it can bring about in the behavior, in the discipline etc. This transition can be a great approach for perfect evaluation.

          In the professional field, employers used strategic approach to evaluate employees performance periodically, sometimes based on self evaluations. The impact of which is equally susceptible.
          Even evaluation seems to take place sub consciously, against matters & human beings, likely on relations & individuals, known or unknown…

          Thus, introduce self evaluation. There are many ways to attain the same. The starting point is to see what is appropriate!
          We do things which may not work, find out why it didn’t working and change it. There is not a set of answers. It will vary according to individuals, circumstances & locations etc.
locate the Palace!
          Self evaluation is to involve introspection of some kind, if you  are going to look into assess different factors. To introspect, dwell on different facets of your personality, behavior, performances, think about them! And come up with some plan of action, how you are going to improve! Where you find you are lacking…

          I am not going to ask what the plan is! But I want you to come up with a plan. Introspection can be made in writing...; I am not going to see it! Or judge you! But I want you to write... Have this doing…

          Just the fact of thinking about yourself triggers a process of change, because as long as we are not conscious of what’s happening within you, can’t change it. The day you become conscious the change is almost automatic.

          This is self awareness…that have to get need to do, address right evaluation.

          However,there are also strong competitive instincts, as one's identity being defined, which want to have an identity superior to others. You can use the competitive instinct to culminate in completion’s and make them exceed…again the marks should be set aside, don’t worry about them.

          Do not bother about Evaluation conducted by industrial mindsets…Remember, that ultimately the Evaluation do not define you! 


Saru Singhal said...

Nicely written Sir and this time last line conveyed a lot...

Atanu Chatterjee said...

@ Saru Singhal,
Many thanks for ur conveyed action.

lot.. needs to be done:) Good understanding Saru!

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said...

U have analyzed it well and memorizing skills of academic contents shd not be taken for evaluation.

Atanu Chatterjee said...

@ My Kitchen Flavours..

Thanks G Christy!you arrived at the core issue, but we can't escape Evaluation..

The process deserves review.