30 December 2011

Separation! An interesting Association, 2012

            As per rational observation any separation has relative event of association of any matter or things, idea or concept, relation or procession, attachment or compulsions…

        Likely! It is because we live and are going to be ‘separated’ from the eventful year 2011 within few hours from now, and simultaneously ‘associate’ with a new virgin prosperous year 2012… Let’s welcome.

        By the end of every year this time also, there are interesting association, which begins from Merry Christmas celebration. Besides, on the one hand winters takes its position, evening with emotions, warm blankets of pleasure, touring, and picnics …oranges.
        On the other hand collective movements & fight against crimes, atrocities, corruptions … protest, rallies for establishment of rights, bills or wills…

        If wrap up the sensation and exposures of the existing year 2011, which was also associated by separation, has composition of pleasure & disappointments, pride & shames, perfect & defects, relation & break ups, world cup & formula one, smile & cries… That means happiness, sorrow, up & downs, love, anger, frustration, employment, money, jealousy … everything are present and resides together, all by association or separations

        Thus, it’s should not be a matter of concern, keeping in view of mental preparation for celebration to welcome the calendar year 2012, by happy separation of the preceding year. Only all light, air, sun rays, rains stay together for life endeavors…

        I understand everyone will feel, we know it, learnt by age from life management experts & other sources. On that basis throws party, attends & meets anniversaries, takes packages & shows. May add, you know how much we are happy to meet such activities?

        But all these of others terms of reference, and other said route & ethics!… How much you love yourself? How long live life for self? Do you think that! You belong to this unique human category, have body, sense, intellect, feels, and distinguish true & false. Isn’t exceptional!

        Why this universe Earth is the only planet which has water, have life & evolution, where I have my space and existence to enjoy my life.
        Do agree! This thought has been expressed by numerous peoples, given direction of road maps, exclusively defines our existences. In spite of that you think yourself and sense everything has been kept prepared for you… to lead a life.

        But we easily forget all this! And tend to rise some critical equations, which if remain unresolved, life becomes miserable!! Due to cover up by human intellect… As if, not concern with existence, not comfortable and judge everything from others perspective, not being ‘learnt’ to respect self.

        Let’s give the last day of the year, as if born as human being and have some rights. But for this have to carry some duties too. That ‘duty’ to love self and measuring with own capabilities.
        Those who relates ‘rights’ with administration & society think their own human rights standard. Those who are actually deprived, from food, education & health, or victim of any kind of crimes, fight for their human right is obvious & it’s our collective responsibility. That protest must continue…
        If we can respect & care ourselves, our rights to self and for others can be different from what it is demanded.

        With same spirit & energy we can now switch from one association to another association of a year, by separation happily…

                               HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 TO EVERYONE
             I would like to thank you and wish your life filled with joy...


Deepak Karthik said...

Happy new year sir !

Atanu Chatterjee said...

Happy!thank you Deepak,
Wish you the same,Enjoy! the day.
A good year ahead..

Atanu Chatterjee said...

@ Shrinidhi Hande,
Many thanks dear and wish a wonderful Happy New Year to you & your family.Best of luck.

Saru Singhal said...

Happy New Year to you and your family Sir:)

Atanu Chatterjee said...

@ Saru,
Thanks for the greetings:)
Happy New Year to you & your family too.May each moment of this year be special..