24 September 2011

'Circumstances'… Is an Attribute!


         Circumstances is a condition, detail, part or attribute with respect to time, space, place & manner, that accompanying determines or modifies a fact or event, basically must be considered in the determining of a course of action… 

        Circumstances always do have some bearings…which include easy, unavoidable, aggravating, material, exceptional, suspicious, wealth etc. what not! Thus, left with no alternative, but adapt to circumstances

        I am reasonably convinced that, each of us meets in this life the circumstances which he has built for himself. Actually, we are the artesian of our own miseries. It is also a superstition to believe that, external circumstances can be the cause of anything, but things and circumstances are the accompanying results of a force that acts from behind the veil…The force acts and each thing reacts according to its own nature…

        Naturally, it seems to be a clumsy attempt to express something, when we take the physical happenings at their face value, otherwise one might escape the true understanding…

        Each individual is free to do & actually attending whatever we likes at utmost capacity, but equally cannot prevent from inviting a circumstances & bearing the natural consequences. What we meet in life is always exactly in accordance with what we are, according to law of human justice, in way of being either ignorant or aware…whatsoever.

        If you think that condition depends on circumstances, that’s not correct. For instance, if someone is ‘nervous wreck’ he thinks, if circumstances are favorable he will improve. But actually, even if they are favorable he will remain what he is. It is not the circumstances that have to be changed, what is required is an inner change.

        There can be no physical life without an order and rhythm, when this order needs change, it should be in obedience to an inner growth and not for external novelty, a most satisfying way…

Imaging! circumstances..
        As a matter of fact, this satisfaction does not depend on outer circumstances but on an inner condition. So, do not mistake to complain about the circumstances of your life, for they are the expression of your liability.            Always, the circumstance comes to reveal the hidden weakness that has to be overcome…

        I wish to say, it is better in all circumstances to leave the judgment to the truth consciousness. As long as I am for some and against others… I am necessarily outside of the truth...

       The post is inspired from the ‘Words’- of The Mother. “He who lives to serve the truth is not affected by outward circumstances”- The Mother.

        Hope, the desired circumstances (fortune, luck, destiny, possession etc.) will bring celebration of satisfaction to one and All…:) Best of luck.

       **Adjoins... dated 26.09.2011:
         It is  the circumstances on 23.09.11 at Geneva, given the potential consequences through a scientific experiment that, a ‘Neutrino’ particle accelerator travelled 60 nonoseconds faster the speed of light… ( At vacuum: Light travels @299,992,458 meter/second, whereas Neutrino travelled  @ 300,006,000 meter/second).
         Thus, the Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity could be proven wrong! What  a significance! And might change our view of Physics…


umashankar said...

The circumstances force me to state that the circumstances may not always be in your control. That said, I agree with your contention.

Atanu Chatterjee said...

Thanks! umashankar,
It's a privilege 'opportunity' to agree your point.

The reason is, the circumstances which he has built for himself can't be controlled. What is done have natural consequences. But a quality aim offers quality circumstances free from prospective trouble or requisition of control!..

Saru Singhal said...

Great post, circumstances have strong impact on life...

Atanu Chatterjee said...

@ Saru Singhal,
Yes! circumstances brings order to life and living..

Appreciate your novel approach.
Good wishes